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Individual Sessions in person or via Skype


What we do during the ministry is firstly to find people's strengths, because we find that this is where they have the most emotional wounding. With emotional wounding, we find mindsets that set up, which are strongholds in the mind that we have to protect ourselves and become a paradigm we see life through.


In the first part of the ministry, we, through the aid of the Holy Spirit, identify patterns that have set up within. In the second part, we pray through what we have "diagnosed" in the first part. This usually involves breaking of generational curses, as well. Following the session, we will send via email of diagrams and notes of what took place during the ministry. 

Couples Sessions 


Bruce and Jean were brought together in a wonderful way through a series of God-orchestrated events- their wedding story and marriage has been an inspiration to many. They encourage couples to grow in their relationships with God and one another.


They have found that marriages focused on Jesus Christ are the most successful. As deep heart needs are met through relationship with Him, marriages are free to grow and the bonds of unity strengthen. Bruce and Jean help couples overcome barriers by identifying mindsets and expectations which negatively influence marriages. They also encourage couples to express and be vulnerable, a key aspect in a close, unified marriage.


As Bruce and Jean share their experiences and vulnerabilities in their own marriage, an atmosphere of safety is created. Their light-hearted approach helps people feel free to be themselves in a non-threatening and supportive environment.


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