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*I highly recommend the services of Bruce and Jean.  They've been an important part of my journey as a safe place to process my life and work around the globe.

~Marcus Young, President Divine Inheritance


*I highly recommend Bruce and Jean Hammond.   My personal background is varied-I grew up Catholic and studied to be a priest, have been in charismatic circles, had my own inner-healing and deliverance ministry for 20 years, and have been an executive for several businesses the past 45 years.  When I came to see Bruce and Jean I can honestly say I experienced something very unique.  They were able to understand some of the mindsets and emotional issues from the past that followed me, both in my spiritual and natural life. 
The ministry is truly God-inspired and has helped not only me, but my family, and countless others I have referred to them.  Everyone I have sent to them has had positive things to say about the freedom and insight they received from this Holy Spirit-led ministry.  If you are needing freedom mentally, emotionally, and spiritually that goes far beyond traditional counseling; you will not be disappointed.       
~Jack Christians, Businessman/Minister

*We had the pleasure of hosting Bruce and Jean Hammond for three consecutive Wednesday night gatherings at our church. Tears flowed as the Holy Spirit revealed many deep seated and hidden belief systems that, once exposed and prayed through, began a powerful process of inner healing for our people.  Bruce and Jean are excellent teachers and communicators but most importantly they are sensitive to the voice of the Holy Spirit and are gentle and loving to God's people.  Personally I have grown to love and respect them very much and I certainly recommend them to any pastor for ministry to God's people. 

~Rev. Blake Nicodemus,  Our Father's House Community Church, Mt. Juliet, TN

*Bruce and Jean are a powerfully dynamic team and a true gift. Through their process of discussion, discernment and prayer - they provided me cogent truth and insight for overcoming a cycle of devastating relational woundings which sabotaged a series of "wins" for me vocationally. If you are a business person in need a practical breakthrough in a key area of your calling in the marketplace, I highly recommend you engage Bruce and Jean's Ministry.

~Rob Harvey, Executive Director Live58/ CEO Goodneighbor Foundation

*Our church, Lower Marsh Creek Presbyterian (PCUSA) Church, hosted a couples retreat with around 10 couples.  We invited Bruce and Jean Hammond to be our main speakers and we were not disappointed. Their impact on those who attended has been resonating weeks after the event.  Bruce and Jean effectively utilized the Bible, psychological principles and their own experience as a couple to help those who participated in the weekend move to the next level in their relationships.  I would strongly recommend Bruce and Jean to any church who is interested in having a couples retreat.  They will not disappoint.    
~Rev. Troy Morgan, Senior Pastor Lower Marsh Creek Presbyterian Church Gettysburg, PA

*I decided to receive ministry with Bruce and Jean after talking with them about the unique way the Lord has prepared and equipped them over the years in their specific giftings. I sensed a purity about them and what they are carrying in the Spirit...truly God breathed. Our time together proved to be amazing. The love, peace and grace present during prayer gave a sense of rest to the healing process. Bruce and Jean have the ability to truly discern and see into the whole person by the Holy Spirt in a way that is profound and powerful. The ministry that Bruce and Jean carry is effective and amazingly fruitful. The quality, power and depth of what they give is reflective of their own lives before the Lord. I'm referring all my friends!

~Karen Gajdos

* Bruce and Jean Hammond's ministry has made a profound impact on my life. The fruit in my life from this ministry was immediate, excellent and is still continuing. God uses Bruce & Jean to bring forth His deliverance, healing, wisdom, love and freedom so that your destiny in Christ Jesus can be allowed to manifest! They are anointed, yielded, pure vessels of Father God. I cannot think of anyone who would not benefit immensely from this unique and powerful ministry. If you have tried everything you can to bring Godly change into your life but it is not working…..I recommend them…let them pray with you and watch God move the impossible!
~Dara Bair

* Bruce and Jean are the safest people I have ever met. Because of this, God not only trusts them with His heart but also trusts them with the hearts of others. Through their willingness to go that far with me, into that sticky territory of unconditional love, I was able to receive divine healing from an incurable illness, see my hopes and dreams fulfilled, and, my relationships restored. I am no longer a magnet for disaster, my heart and mind have been relieved and restored, and I am the happiest I have ever been. Plus, I have the friendship of a lifetime. There is no way I could ever repay them. If you are considering them as facilitators for spiritual breakthrough in your life, do not hesitate. You will not be disappointed. God will show you His goodness more than you ever thought possible.
~Zia Hooker

* For years I’d been involved in church ministry and prior to that, missions. Thankfully, I served with some genuine and truly loving believers which allowed for ongoing healing in my life. And I did experience amazing transformation. Yet God knew I needed something deeper as I was still affected in ways by religiosity and wasn’t yet fully free of some deep-seated fears and insecurities. Then, He amazingly moved me out of state, and for a season away from full-time ministry. In that new place He connected me with Bruce and Jean. It’s hard to describe their impact on my life, but through their ministry and friendship God has brought greater understanding, wholeness, freedom and breakthrough. They are incredibly gifted, insightful and anointed. And I’m especially grateful for how they open the way for the Healer Himself to come more fully into people’s lives. I’ve had significant times with the Lord following the sessions and encountered His love and presence in new ways, which has brought increasing wholeness and freedom, and ultimately deeper intimacy with Him. As a life and leadership coach I’m well aware of how vital wholeness and emotional health are for the fulfillment of our callings and destinies. Bruce and Jean have this understanding as few others I know and they have a unique anointing to help bring people forth into all God has created them to be.
~Tracy Wood, Founder Life Gate Coaching 

* I have been so blessed to know Bruce and Jean Hammond for about ten years and have literally praised and thanked God for them in many, many seasons of my life.

When we first met, I was in excruciating physical pain and my doctors could not figure out what it was and I had tried treatments and medications but nothing worked and honestly, I was absolutely tormented with fear that it wouldn't go away. That was when the Lord introduced me to the Hammonds and upon our first real meeting, they had pin-pointed the source of the emotional pain causing the physical problem and invited the Lord into the process of healing it and unraveling the pain. It was like words of knowledge/deliverance/healing/prophetic compassion all wrapped into one moment that really changed me. I finally knew God was in it with me, and since then He has healed it from the inside out.

That is just one example of many instance where Bruce and Jean took my hand and led me from the point of despair (often emotional and spiritual) to the turning point of hope and faith. It sounds simplistic, but I believe they are catalysts of healing, particularly for places of hopelessness and despair. They have an incredibly accurate prophetic insight into sources of foundational problems and the faith to pray for real solutions.

I have turned to them many times and they have been able to bring a kingdom faith, perspective, and power every time I've asked for help. I even called them from Kenya and they were able to discern spirits across a few continents. Bruce and Jean are wise, gifted, prophetic healers and leaders with extraordinary compassion and love for God's people. I'm so honored to call them friends.
~Kim Masoni, YWAM Missionary to Kenya

*I highly recommend this ministry.  Bruce and Jean are filled with integrity and they have compassionate and loving hearts towards others.  You can trust them.  I do the....they have ministered to me on many occasions and each time they were loving and wonderful to me.
~Leila Haynes

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